Emergency services

The established rendezvous method practiced by emergency services in Germany implies a coordinated interaction with available emergency doctors. Often the emergency doctors will be alerted by emergency service on site or they arrive at the place of the accident behind the scheduled time to provision of care. Diverse influence factors, e.g. current traffic situation, large distances to the accident location, especially in rural areas, many accidents occurred at the same time, increased number of emergency cases etc. can endanger the provision of needed emergency doctor’s expertise.

Video consultations MEYDOC® can provide the medical expertise of emergency doctors and/or other needed specialists to the place of accidence within a short time. The tele-emergency doctors on duty can support the emergency staff on site among long distances. The deployment of the newest data transmission technology and broadband networks allows provision of the high definition video data from accident location in real-time.

Notfallsanitäter mit MEYDOC Client

Emergency paramedics with MEYDOC® Client

meydoc verbindung
Telekonsil mit Notarzt

Audiovisual teleconsultation with emergency doctor